Modern Technique Graham Based

Choreographic contemporary exercises center standing
Stretch/flexibility through movements, contractions, swing/release, feet work with tondues, pliés, balance/center off center, adagio, jumps and pirouettes. All these are very carefully worked upon in the first 4 to 6 weeks of the class, with repetitions for the body to understand what it must achieve and how it should feel. Working with space, fluidity, strong visual dynamics that creates an unique sense of movements.
Choreographed movements - which is conducted only on the floor
The students learn how to use their bodies connecting with and to the floor, working through and with continual movements to achieve flexibility, control and strength. The floor work contains turn out hips development, parallel spiral extensions, plié leg extensions through contractions, roll overs through extended leg contractions, battement contractions, contraction arm release swings in second position, parallel off canter leg extensions through attitude, flexibility of the spine through contraction release swings, strengthening of the arms with controlled leg and spine extensions and abdominal contraction development.
Once the student has become familiar with the exercises, and this can take up to 8-10 weeks, it is then put together so that the class is executed continuously without interruption, leaving time for corrections and any questions that the students may have concerning the exercises.
After the contemporary technical warm up is over, the students are given small parts of choreographic dance movements going across the floor on a diagonal direction. This can contain floor work, turns, jumps and parts of larger choreographic movements. They are then brought to the center of the studio to be given central choreographic works of a dynamic and visual nature. The students are given practical advice and home assignments to be prepared and presented for the following day.
On the completion of four semesters (two years) the students will have a high quality of movement, strongly placed and well balanced, with a good technical and artistic capability. The students are sufficient in knowledge and confidence in order to obtain and embark upon a career in dance, both nationally and internationally.