
Background Of Yoga

Pilates Picture

As dancers we not only embody everyday lives with chores and responsibilities, we also actively work with our bodies as the instrument of our career. Within this, we sometimes get a little wrapped up in our bodies - what they look like, what they can do and a lot of times what they can't do or don’t look like.

In this class the aim is to use the physical exercises as a safe space for the dancers to experience their bodies and spirits, and to accept and enjoy the current moment. Perhaps even learning to experience 'the now' as a starting point for positive change.

There are many approaches to the practice of yoga. For me, a yoga practice is in its essence a form where the focus of the practice is awareness, non-attachment and contentment, and where the main guide is the breath.

During the semester we will explore both dynamic flows focusing on flexibility and strength as well as restorative practices focusing on relaxation. All the classes will address the mind/body connection and give the students an opportunity to experience for themselves what both scientists and yoga practitioners can tell about an increased health and happiness.

My own yoga practice has been pure ashtanga yoga as well as ashtanga based styles. I have also done a teacher training in Yogic arts (fusion between martial arts, dynamic asana, the grace of dance and the therapeutic adjustments derived from thai body work created and taught by Duncan Wong). As a complement to the more vigorous practices I have also always included restorative practices such as gentle hatha flows and Yin yoga.