Val Jean-Charles. Artistic Director.

Educated at London Contemporary School of Dance. He has worked with Scandinavia Dance icon, Randi Patterson and was invited to work with Denmark's The New Danish Dance Theatre with Warren Spears. Danced in the opening of Denmark's Dansescenen in Copenhagen 400 Meter Ballet and worked with one of London's most known Dancer/Choreographer Carol Stracker Dance Foundation, and Arlene Phillips in Hot Gossip including one of America's leading choreographers David Toguri in the feature film that Stared David Bowie in Absolute Beginners and The London City Ballet.
Teaching in Contemporary Modern Dance.
Karen Brostrup.

Dancing has always been a part of her life, as she grow up with parents who were teachers in traditional Danish folkdance. From there she moved on to dancing genres such as jazz, disco and Latin. Ultimately she is now educated in ballet, modern, jazz and tap from MBT Dance theatre and Jysk Balletacademi among other places. She has taught jazz, funk, show and musical for several years, just as she has choreographed musicals and directed dramatic plays for different stages throughout Denmark. Currently she is writing a web-book for young upcoming dancers and musical performers with guidelines about how to get a career as a professional in the Danish dance theatre business.
Teaching in Jazz.
Connie Yndal.

A certified STOTT PILATES coach. Educated at Pilates on Fifth in New York year 2001. Worked as an professional dancer for more than 10 Years mostly in Denmark, Germany and New York. The Woman behind Women's Wellness that offers Training for the mind, body and soul. NLP master certificate.
Teaching in Pilates/Wellness.
Jeanette Larsson.

Educated at the Royal Theater in Copenhagen and The Swedish Ballet School Stockholm Production work includes, The Nutcracker, Romeo and Juliet, Cinderella. AIDAS. Sleeping Beauty, Swan Lake, Napoli, Gaiete Parisienne, Idols' Fröken Julie, Don Q.
Teaching in Ballet.
Dorthe Kreutzfeldt.

After an intensive career as a soloist on stages in Scandinavia, the UK and touring several European countries, she progressed to teaching movement and dance for undergraduate students and professional dancers. Teaching style based on Vaganova and Bournonville. Virtues emphasized is placement, swiftness, ballon, virtuosity and joy of movement. Graduated from the Royal Danish Ballet. Born in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Teaching in Classic Ballet.
Christina Doverhag.

med kand, PhD 2 years of basic chemistry, anatomy, physiology etc at Gothenburg University and Karolinska Institute Stockholm. Bachelour of medicine Copenhagen University 2005. PhD at institute of neuroscience and physiology, Gothenburg University, 2010. 5 years teaching in physiology at Gothenburg University. Currently completing medical school at Copenhagen University.
Teaching in Anatomy.
Terese Jaxmar.

Educated as a physiotherapist at Lunds university. She is interested in functional anatomy, biomechanics and movement control and how these interact in order to create movement potential in ordinary life and in dance and sports. Terese has been dancing classical ballet for more than 10 years and also has been practicing yoga for several years.
Teaching in Anatomy.
Dorte Rud Persson.

Dorte Rud Persson has a lifelong career as a dancer and choreographer. After eight years as a student at the Royal Danish Ballet School, she chose to become a modern dancer. This led to further studies in New York and Paris and her first professional engagement with Nancy Spanier Dance Theater. In Denmark she created the company Ballet Plus, danced with New Now Dancers and New Danish Dance Theater and worked in theaters, television and film. Her teaching experience comes from DansensHus, The Royal Ballet, Dansevaerkstedet, Paedagoguddannelsen SFMD, Sceneindgangen, aoben Dans, Dans i Nordvest.
Teaching in Contemporary Modren Dance/Improvisation.